


"Xin Ke" (New Immigrant): The First Locally Produced Film in Singapore and Malaya from a Sinophone Perspective


許維賢(Wai-Siam Hee)


《新客》 ; 劉貝錦 ; 華語語系 ; 語言揉雜化 ; 華人性 ; Xin Ke ; New Immigrant ; Liu Bei-jin ; Sinophone ; creolization ; Chineseness




9期(2013 / 06 / 01)


5 - 45






Based on historical evidence from a large number of newspapers in 1920s, this article overturns the assertion of the international academic circle that the film ”Xin Ke” was never released. It demonstrates the historical significance of ”Xin Ke” and establishes its status as the first Singaporean-Malaysian film. This article also makes several important contributions to our understanding of ”Xin Ke” and its creators. First, it describes the origins of, and public response to, the Nanyang Liu Bei-jin Film Company. Second, it examines the moving and tragic life of Liu Bei-jin, the film company’s head and former Namchow mechanic, who left Singapore and Malaya to fight in the Chinese War of Resistance against Japan. Third, the article describes the ”Xin Ke” production team and the film’s reception. It investigates the problems that the film confronted at the time of its production, including the censorship imposed by the British colonial government during the 1920s. Fourth, it discusses the oscillation found in ”Xin Ke's” screenplay between the Nanyang and Chinese styles of literature and art. And fifth, it examines the manner in which the film addressed the disputes between the two major Chinese communities in Nanyang; that is, the ”Xin Ke” (the new immigrants) and the Peranakan (the Straits Chinese). In an effort to encourage reflection, this article locates these issues within the general context of contemporary Singapore-Malaysian Chinese historical discourse. The unfortunate death of Liu Bei-jin and the existence of ”Xin Ke” have been obscured in the history of the so-called Chinese diaspora, the history of China, and in the historical discourse regarding imperialism and universal chauvinism that have resulted from English-language hegemony. This obfuscation suggests that the historical discourses that rely on above-mentioned theories must be countered by an entirely new theory. The Sinophone theory, in which Chinese-language is studied as a minority language, can serve as a starting point for our reflection on this topic. Finally, this article discusses how ”Xin Ke” displays the characteristics of multiple sounds and multiple orthographies that typify the creolization of Chinese. Liu Bei-jin was well versed in six languages, and his ”Xin Ke” provides critical historical evidence regarding the origins of the Creole frequently heard in contemporary Singaporean- Malaysian films as well as a valuable perspective on the disputes regarding indigenousness, colonialism and Chineseness.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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