


Artists, Intellectuals, and the Visual Culture of Unclothed Bodies in 1920s Shanghai: Zhang Jingsheng's 張競生 "A Study of Unclothed Bodies"


孫麗瑩(Li-Ying Sun)


張競生 ; 陳曉江 ; 《新文化》 ; 裸體視覺文化 ; 女體 ; Zhang Jingsheng ; Chen Xiaojiang ; New Culture ; Visual Culture of Unclothed Bodies ; Female Bodies




10期(2013 / 12 / 01)


287 - 340






In December 1926, Zhang Jingsheng 張競生 published an article entitled ”A Study of Unclothed Bodies: From Nudes to Many Other Things - Written for Xiaojiang's Sketches of Female Bodies.” It appeared in the inaugural issue of New Culture, a journal founded by Zhang himself. The article discusses female ”curvy beauty” (quxian mei) as represented in nudes, the significance of nudes and the necessity of practicing nudism in great detail. Furthermore, the article takes perspectives from sexology, medicine, and eugenics to criticize breasts-binding among women and to advocate a new aesthetic standard for female bodies. The new standard promotes not only ”facial beauty,” but also ”developed breasts, and plump buttocks.”Who was ”Xiaojiang”? Why were Xiaojiang's sketches of female bodies worth Zhang Jingsheng's attention in New Culture? Why did Zhang talk about nudes, as well as the aesthetics of female bodies? What was the relation between Xiaojiang's nudes and the modern visual culture of unclothed bodies? How did this visual culture impact other social concepts, such as new aesthetic criteria for female bodies?This study addresses these questions by focusing on Zhang's abovementioned article in the context of 1920s newspapers and magazines. I explore intellectuals' and artists' respective roles and their interaction during the production of a visual culture of unclothed bodies. The paper consists of four sections. The first section analyzes Zhang's rich personal experience, his connections with the visual culture of unclothed bodies, and the background of his article. Starting with artist Chen Xiaojiang's life experience, the second section discusses Chen's connections with the visual culture of unclothed bodies. The third section closely reads Zhang's article, analyzing Zhang's thoughts on unclothed bodies. The last section examines intellectuals' and artists' roles in the field of visual culture of unclothed bodies by applying Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of voir and savoir. I argue that the development of a visual culture of unclothed bodies helped bring about change in the aesthetic perception of female bodies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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