


Ascetic Practice and Distinguishing Han from Non-Han: Qu Dajun's 屈大均 Travels to Qin 秦and Jin 晉 (Zongzhou 宗周)


王學玲(Hsueh-Ling Wang)


屈大均 ; 苦行 ; 華夷 ; 西北 ; 秦晉 ; 宗周 ; Qu Dajun ; ascetic practice ; Han and non-Han ; Northwestern China ; Qin and Jin ; Zongzhou




12期(2014 / 12 / 01)


265 - 307






Following the founding of the Qing dynasty in 1644, many literati abandoned their families to embark on ascetic peregrinations. This article investigates the travels of one such literatus, Qu Dajun of Lingnan 嶺南, who traveled to Qin and Jin in the northwestern part of China between 1665 and 1668. First, the article examines Qu's motive in changing the name of Qin to Zongzhou, which suggests that he sought to identify the area with the Zhou dynasty, and the people there were the descendants of Han nationality. His use of this appellation indicates that he cherished the memory of the past and lamented the present, that he intended to compare Qin to Qing 清, and moreover that he sought to differentiate Han from non-Han peoples. Second, it analyzes his unique humanist perspective in writing about Mt. Hua 華山. Qu compared the Five Classics to the Five Sacred Mountains of China, asserting that the precipitous terrain of Mt. Hua was like the austere writing style of the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋, and that its majestic terrain resembled an incarnation of Huaxia 華夏 ruling the world. Finally, the article describes how he conquered the precipitous mountain with his tenacious will, demonstrating his resolution to not only prove his loyalty to the Ming but also to differentiate Han from non-Han peoples. During a time of weakening anti-Qing resistance, Qu Dajun used his ascetic practice to firmly declare himself a Ming loyalist. Qu's conscious decision to this effect represents the type of unique traveling perspective adopted by individuals during dynastic transitions.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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