


Research on Song Jiang


楊敬珩(Jing-Heng Yang)


水滸 ; 宋江 ; 方臘 ; Shuei-Hu Zhua 水滸傳 ; Song-Jiang 宋江 ; Fang-La 方臘




16期(2016 / 12 / 01)


67 - 126






The leader of the 108 heroic characters in the Water Margin (Shuihu zhuan 水滸傳), Song Jiang 宋江, has long been a favorite of those who engaged in the art of shuohua 說話 (the monologue form of storytelling). Since these 108 characters gathered together in the Zhongyi tang 忠義堂 (a hall where they made a vow to stay friends forever), numerous Chinese literary works have featured anecdotes about Song that modified or embellished his historical exploits. One such anecdote, titled the Eulogy to Song Jiang and his Thirty-six Followers, demonstrates how storytellers in the Southern Song adapted Song Jiang's legends to their oral performances. Due to the combined influence of internal literary motives and the external political situation in the Southern Song, Song Jiang came to be portrayed as a rebel leader, fighting against their enemy, the Jin. This study explores the interplay between Song Jiang the literary figure and the historical records describing his rebelling against the Jin. Contemporary debate on this issue has focused on two aspects: Song's reception of amnesty from the Song government; and his campaign against Fang La 方臘. Some scholars have used materialist arguments to assert that Song Jiang and the historical events in which he played a role are fictional. However, during the turmoil accompanying the fall of the Northern Song and establishment of the Southern Song, it was inevitable that errors would find their way into the historical record. Denying the veracity of historical events tied to Song on the basis of such mistakes is unfair. Moreover, while Song dynasty authors tended to disparage bandits such as Song Jiang, Northern Song court historians still accurately recorded historical events. In the Southern Song, historians collected relevant records, articles, and oral statements from elderly witnesses, reexamined these historic events, and included this information in their historical chronicles. Yet, not all of the data they collected could be included therein, and thus later generations lacked a complete picture. This left much room for later authors to insert a good deal of invented material into their literary works on Song.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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