


How did Wu Fall - Lu Ji's "Disquisition on the Fall of a State"


戴燕(Dai Yan)


陸機〈辨亡論〉 ; 《吳書》 ; 陸雲〈與兄平原書〉 ; 陳壽《三國志》、議「晉書限斷」 ; 賈誼〈過秦論〉 ; 干寶〈晉紀總論〉 ; Lu Ji's 陸機 "Bian wang lun" 辨亡論 (Disquisition on the Fall of a State) ; Wu shu 吳書 (the Book of Wu) ; Chen Shou's 陳壽 ; San guo zhi 三國志 (Records of the Three Kingdoms) ; Lu Yun's 陸雲 ; "Yu xiong Pingyuan shu" 與兄平原書 ( Lu Yun and Lu Ji's 陸機Correspondence) ; yi "Jin shu xian duan" 議「晉書限斷」(the periodization of the Book of Jin) ; Jia Yi's 賈誼 "Guo Qin lun" 過秦論 (Disquisition Finding Fault with Qin) ; Gan Bao's 干寶 "Jin ji zong lun" 晉紀總論 (General Summary" in the Annals of Jin)




20期(2018 / 12 / 01)


159 - 207






The "Bian wang lun" 辨亡論 (Disquisition on the Fall of a State) has historically been regarded as having been written by Lu Ji 陸機 before the fall of Wu 吳 and the beginning of Jin 晉. However, from a letter written by Lu Ji's brother, Lu Yun 陸雲, it can be discerned that Lu Yun regarded this disquisition as belonging to both the genre of Jia Yi's 賈誼 "Guo Qin lun" 過秦論 (Disquisition Finding Fault with Qin) and a work closely related to Lu Ji's planned writing of Wu shu 吳書 (the Book of Wu). Throughout the eighth year of the Yuankang 元康 Reign (299), Lu Ji, in his capacity as Editorial Director, attended to his official duties in compiling dynastic histories at court. At the same time, Lu Ji and his brother were engaged in a public debate over how a history that included the perspective of the state of Wu could be incorporated into this compilation process. The final version of the "Disquisition on the Fall of a State" constitutes the general summary to this unfinished Book of Wu.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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