


The Novel Characteristics and Cultural Implications of Gratitude Letters to Royal Family Members during the Southern Qi and Liang Dynasties


沈凡玉(Fan-Yu Shen)


謝啟 ; 齊梁 ; 宮廷文化 ; 宮體 ; gratitude letters ; the Southern Qi 南齊 and Liang 梁 ; royal palace culture ; palace style




20期(2018 / 12 / 01)


297 - 349






Gratitude letters written by vassals to express their appreciation after receiving gifts from royal family members became increasingly prevalent during the Southern Qi 南齊and Liang 梁 dynasties. The letters featured a literary style with novel implications, and they reflected the culture of the royal palace during the period. In traditional Chinese culture, members of the royal family issued various rewards to acknowledge the merit and contributions of vassals. This practice is frequently discussed in the philosophical classics of Confucianism, where it is associated with the ideal of a seamless collaboration between emperors and vassals that contributed to dynastic stability. However, the gratitude letters from vassals during the Southern Qi and Liang dynasties more often described private friendships with the emperor, and noted that the rewards they received included a variety of goods and daily necessities. Although the gratitude letters of the time had their origins in both practical writings that expressed gratitude and the literary tradition of describing mundane objects in the royal palace, they also featured novel characteristics that differed from those found in more traditional forms of writing. Specifically, these characteristics included expressions of gratitude for the gifts received from royal family members, the invocation of classical passages related to mundane objects, and the use of pianwen 駢文, a traditional Chinese writing style. The gratitude letters also reflected three aspects of palace culture during the Southern Qi and Liang dynasties. First, they praised the experience of otherness. The gratitude letters of the Southern Qi and Liang dynasties featured the cifu 辭賦 literary form (i.e., a sentimental or descriptive composition) that originated in the Han 漢 dynasty to depict the tributes from vassal states. These letters were written to not only praise the emperor and the royal family, but also to emphasize the experience of otherness brought about by the gifts, which suggests a culture of appreciating novel and strange objects. Second, there was an emphasis on in-season items. The characteristics of the gifts and the reasons for giving them recorded in the gratitude letters were frequently related to the four seasons, which indicates that people of the time were highly aware of changes between the seasons and the seasonal uses of different objects. Third, there was an appreciation for the aesthetics of craft, which reflected elite social status. Gratitude letters during this period mentioned that various handicrafts and works of art circulated within the royal palace. Royal family members' emphasis on art reflected their cultural literacy, aesthetic appreciation, and elite status. In sum, gratitude letters written by vassals during the Southern Qi and Liang dynasties that express appreciation for receiving gifts from royal family members merit further attention from scholars studying the history of literature and culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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