


On Niu Yunzhen's Poetic Intent and his Adoption, Rejection and Interpretation of the "Preface" to the Classic of Poetry


陳志峰(Chih-Feng Chen)


牛運震 ; 詩志 ; 評點 ; 詩經 ; Niu Yunzhen牛運震 ; Shizhi詩志(Poetic Intent) ; critical annotation評點 ; the Classic of Poetry詩經




23期(2020 / 06 / 01)


5 - 53






In recent years, scholars have published many articles investigating Niu Yunzhen's 牛運震critical annotation of the Classic of Poetry 詩經. These studies have all focused on Niu's elucidation of the literary and artistic achievements of the classic. This is because Niu's critical annotation, titled Poetic Intent 詩志, has traditionally been classified as a commentary. However, there are several characteristics of Niu's text that argue against this traditional classification. This article focuses on two major topics, each of which is further subdivided into subtopics, with the intention of remedying several deficiencies in our current understanding of Poetic Intent. The first topic concerns several issues related to Niu Jun's 牛鈞 preface to Poetic Intent and the Sequel to the Annotated Catalog of the Complete Books of the Four Treasuries. Under this topic, I explore the following matters: 1) the differences between Niu Yunzhen's and Niu Jun's annotations; 2) the meaning of Niu Jun's statement, "I correct the former annotations that have not been fixed and supplement the ones that have not been completed;" and 3) the evaluation of Niu Yunzhen set forth in the Sequel to the Annotated Catalog. The second topic concerns issues related to Niu Yunzhen's adoption, rejection and interpretation of the "Preface" to The Classic of Poetry. In this section, I analyze four examples each of Niu Yunzhen's adoption and rejection of positions advanced in the "Preface." This analysis is combined with a discussion of the entire text, and it attempts to sort through Niu Yunzhen's attitude towards the "Preface" and determine his standards of judgement regarding the adoption or rejection of its positions. It further includes two subtopics: 1) the adoption of the arguments in the "Preface" with additional comment; and 2) the correction of the arguments in the "Preface" with additional comment. Through an in-depth discussion of the above two issues, this article goes beyond current studies of Poetic Intent and achieves a more comprehensive understanding of the work.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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