


Poetic Change and the Concern for Home and Nation in Fang Yizhi's Yangxun


謝明陽(Ming-Yang Hsieh)


《痒訊》 ; 方以智 ; 方孔炤 ; 楊嗣昌 ; 姜垓 ; Yangxun痒訊 ; Fang Yizhi方以智 ; Fang Kongzhao方孔炤 ; Yang Sichang楊嗣昌 ; Jiang Gai姜垓




24期(2020 / 12 / 01)


5 - 41






From the thirteenth year of the Chongzhen 崇禎 reign period until the third month of its seventeenth year (1640-1644), Fang Yizhi 方以智 worked on a poetry collection titled Yangxun 痒訊. The title of the collection was taken from the lines shuyou yiyang 癙憂以痒 (which means "My hidden sorrow goes on to make me ill") and moken yongxun 莫肯用訊 (which means "Ye are unwilling to declare") in the Book of Odes, which denote falling ill due to depression and being unable to report to the emperor. This article, which analyzes the main purport of this collection, is divided into four parts. First, the article shows how Fang's sorrowful resentment increased after hearing that his father, Fang Kongzhao 方孔炤, was imprisoned for a defeat in war due to the stubbornness of the general Yang Sichang 楊嗣昌. Second, the article discusses Fang Yizhi's submission of a petition to the court in which he pleaded to take his father's place in prison. After seeking assistance in this matter, and waiting with great anguish, he looked forward to his father's eventual release. Third, the article investigates the poems Fang wrote for his friend, Jiang Gai 姜垓, where he described this period of hardship and how it caused his poetics to depart from his original ideal of returning to antiquity. Finally, the article discusses the political atmosphere in the early part of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen's reign. As a result of this atmosphere, Fang Yizhi's trauma regarding "home" broadened to encompass the "nation," and amounted to a declaration that his poetics would continue to change in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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