


Remembrance and Numinous Communication: On Three Kinds of Prophetic Fulfillment Related to Guanshiyin during the Six Dynasties


劉苑如(Yuan-Ju Liu)


觀世音應驗記 ; 記憶 ; 佈局 ; 感通 ; 應驗 ; Guanshiyin yingyan ji ; remembrances ; emplotment ; numinous communication ; prophetic fulfillment




28期(2022 / 12 / 01)


101 - 144






This article studies the narratives found in three types of prophetic fulfillment related to Guanshiyin. Based on theories of Postclassical Narratology, it discusses the experiencer, the recorder, the editor and the reader/listener in their mutual relation, who through the remembering, ordering, and emplotment of the numinous experience, recall the affection, communion and identification stirred by contact with the deity, thus creating a living network of belief experience. Ultimately, the article emphasizes the meaning and value of the text in relation to Six Dynasties literature and religion. First, the article analyses the interrelatedness and the emplotment of the chapters in three texts related to Guanshiyin. The Xi Guanshiyin ji uses the narrative frame of seeking help when encountering difficulties, while the scattered organization of Guangshiyin yingyan ji and Xu Guangshiyin yingyanji have to do with the specifics of memory. Fu Liang applies the codes of historicized memory in fusing his own understanding of the Guangshiyin faith with his personal political activities and the northern campaign of Liu Yu to express personal and collective memory. At the same time, by using the sub-text of the transmission of the event, Fu Liang emphasizes his father, Fu Yuan's, right to discourse at Kuaiji. He also applies the "sincere (religious) conviction of a community of believers" typical of Jiankang to override the goal of "influencing" people's minds in Xie Fu's original text. Zhang Yan's Xu Guangshiyin yingyanji is closely related to the family's memory of belief, in which we can discern the language of both officials and monks from Jingzhou. He intimates the difficulties which his father Zhang Maodu had to go through during the Sun En and Lu Xun upheaval. The content also echoes the story "Zhang Kuaiji shi jun" in Lu Gao's Xi Guanshiyin. Second, these works combine the traditional rules of commentaries, imitate the three different types of temporal syntax of predicament narratives, and the change in time and space in the narrative about prophetic fulfillment. In other words, they use the intermediacy of time, which allows for the interrelation between the story of the person onsite and the narration in the present, thus redefining memory. The apparent unfolding on the historical level mirrors a correlative time which is simultaneously present and absent, and which breaks the boundaries between this and the other world. This transforms the numinous experience into numinous narrative, and organizes into one whole the present and the psychology of the main character with sacred time and space.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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