


The Supplements and Revisions to Arguments and Clues regarding Time and Place: An Investigation of the Intellectual Genealogy of the "Condemning Offensive Warfare" and "Jian'ai" Sections of the Mozi


張書豪(Shu-Hao Chang)


墨子 ; 墨翟 ; 非攻 ; 兼愛 ; 墨學 ; 秦墨 ; Mozi ; Mo Di ; condemning offensive warfare ; universal love ; Mohism ; Mohists in the state of Qin




29期(2023 / 06 / 01)


95 - 138






The methods of argumentation employed in the three chapters of "Condemning Offensive Warfare" (Feigong 非攻) in the Mozi were not completely the same but they were all closely related to the concept of "universal love" (jian'ai 兼愛). These methods often revealed the authors' temporal and spatial backgrounds in the process of argumentation. The article first follows the clue revealed in the "Under Heaven" (Tianxia 天下) chapter of the Zhuangzi, which states: "Mozi loves extensively, benefits universally, and opposes combat," and explores the connections between, and supplements and revisions to, the chapters "Condemning Offensive Warfare" and "Universal Love" in the Mozi. Second, it examines the characteristics of time and place hidden in each chapter and further combines them with relevant records of the Mohists' activities in the Warring States period so as to determine the times when and the regions where each chapter was written. Through the method of tracing the "supplements and revisions to arguments" and the "clues regarding time and place," it extracts the intellectual genealogy of the three chapters of "Condemning Offensive Warfare" as well as the two parts of "Universal Love." In this way, it demonstrates the spread and development of Mohism during the Warring States period.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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