In this paper, we study on application of computer vision technology in the study of the human-machine interface design of interactive art, exploring aisle space of interactive art applications. At first, we study on the design principles of literature analysis, and then design and implement ”Surrounding Heart Circle” works through public exhibition. Finally, we use observation method to analyze the behavior of user interaction. This research results found: using computer vision technology for aisle space of interactive art can format a powerful people machine interface, and in aisle space the way of positive projection and down projection are suitable. From observation results, summarized out to use computer vision technology is a good approach. Six items interactive principles by Shedroff (1999) are unable to cover all of the interaction, needed again strengthening ”guide” and ”situation construction” of design. Although it is impossible to let users work directly linked to the interpretation of the meaning of Zen application, but you can really feel the work conveys the idea.
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