The emerging trend of mobile applications has influenced the brand industry to launch mobile advertising. The study employs the quasi-experiment method and requested subjects to evaluate the advertising effects of IKEA Apps. A total of 331 subjects participated in the experiment through filling out self-reports. The research results showed that the brand's informative mobile applications were composed of six indicators, which are: to implement exclusive brand's information platform, to bring up brand and products information, to provide the store or the purchasing information, to trigger the purchase intention, to hyperlink connection on mobile application, and improve the image of the brand. Each indicator demonstrates significant effects on informativeness, entertainment, irritation, and the value of advertising effects. In summary, the research findings illustrated that informative mobile applications likely contributed to positive effects on informativeness and value. Thus, brand industries should pay close attention to the informative content provided by Apps. This helps encourage consumers requesting information on brand and products, and further increases the value of Apps.
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