In the current study, the researchers adopted the Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET), a metaphor extraction technology, to uncover participants' thoughts and emotions about their favourite video clips. The researchers then created a personal mind map accordingly for each participant. The researchers summarised the crucial elements of visual contents and forms from the emic perspective and generated 14 comment construct themes. These themes comprised technology, music, association of life experience, novelty, recognition of other people, the relationship between colour and lighting, reflection, sense of happiness, references to other films, humour, antiquity, turning points, subversive imagination, and animation. In addition, the researchers summarised the metaphorical contents and forms from the etic perspective, helping participants to understand the essence and content of pivotal elements of creative short films through research interpretation into the meaning of the metaphors found in such films. In addition, the results revealed five core values of creative short films: talent development, instructional application, creative teaching, applications for cultural and creative industries, and the research and production of creativity.
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