
Understanding the Role of Self-Efficacy on the Entrepreneurial Intention of ICT Students






張文山(Wen-Shan Chang);梁朝棟(Chao-Tung Liang)


創業意圖 ; 資訊傳播 ; 心理因素 ; 自我效能 ; Entrepreneurial intention ; information and communication technology (ICT) ; Psychological factors ; Self-efficacy




6卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


97 - 114




創業家巧妙應用高科技可以協助創造高度的經濟發展;然而,科技創業的學術研究至今尚未完備,其中特別是對於大學生的創業意圖,研究更顯匱乏。本研究針對資訊傳播科技(information and communication technology, ICT)學生,驗證自我效能在心理因素與其創業意圖之間的中介效果。首先,335名ICT學生參與調查,以驗證所用量表的因素結構;其次,再以不同的451名ICT學生測試本研究所提之中介模式。分析結果顯示,創業意圖區分為信念與準備兩個因素,研究者所提之中介模式獲得部分支持。透過自我效能的中介,負向情緒對創業意圖的兩個因素都具有強大的預測力,內在動機和後設認知亦皆能顯著地預測創業信念與創業準備,而正向情緒卻對創業準備具有負向的預測力。


Rapid economic development depends on entrepreneurs being able to adapt hi-tech knowledge creatively. However, technopreneurship remains inadequately studied in business research, particularly regarding the entrepreneurial intention of college students. This study used information and communication technology (ICT) majors to examine the mediating effects of self-efficacy between selected psychological factors and entrepreneurial intention. First, we recruited 335 students to confirm the factor structures of our survey items; subsequently, we recruited 451 students to test the hypothesised mediation model. The results indicated that entrepreneurial intention comprised two dimensions: conviction and preparation. The mediation model of self-efficacy was partially supported. Negative emotion exerted strong effects on conviction and preparation. Intrinsic motivation and metacognition reliably predicted both dimensions of entrepreneurial intention, whereas positive emotion negatively influenced preparation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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