The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the motivation of adolescent paintball competition on sports involvement and satisfaction. The research object is for young people who have participated in paintball competitions. In this study, a questionnaire survey method was used to collect 451 valid questionnaires, and the structural equation model (SEM) was used as an analytical tool. The results of the study show that (1) participation motivation has a positive impact on adolescent sports involvement; (2) exercise involvement has a positive impact on adolescent satisfaction; (3) participation motivation has a positive impact on satisfaction. Conclusion: When the motivation of young people is higher, their satisfaction with paintball is higher, and the higher the sports involvement, the higher the quality of sports. If you want to improve their satisfaction, you can get the quality of sports. Commitment to reinforcement will help to increase their awareness of paintball. Therefore, in accordance with this conclusion, strengthen the paintball movement to participate in motivation, enhance sports involvement, and improve satisfaction.
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