


A macro analysis of sports, politics and international relations




熊道天(Tao-Tien Hsiung);簡偉倫(Wei-Lun Chien);王鈞逸(Chun-Yi Wang)


治理 ; 職業運動 ; 運動組織 ; 軟實力 ; 運動外交 ; governance ; professional sports ; sports organization ; soft power ; sports diplomacy




17期(2021 / 05 / 01)


173 - 186






In addition to promoting the emotional exchanges between people and consolidating the consciousness of society and the country, sports can also change the relationship between countries. In modern times, many countries have used sports to shape their national images and convey political positions and ideologies. With the development of sports commercialization and internationalization, professional sports not only contain huge business opportunities and markets, but also one of the important "soft powers" that countries wrestle with in the international situation. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of sports diplomacy by combining sports with relevant theories of international relations through the discussion of literature and actual cases. This article sorts out two modes of sports diplomacy and seven functions. In addition, this article extends the discussion of professional sports and international relations. Through this article, researchers in related fields are provided with new research topics and perspectives, so that people in the country have a better understanding of the relationship between sports. Furthermore, government units can pay attention to the importance of sports as a soft power, and develop sports as an important tool to break through the diplomatic dilemmas in the future to formulate foreign policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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