


Design and Practice of Adapted Physical Education to Distance Teaching


王彥邦(Yen-Pang Wang);饒哲瑋(Che-Weu Jao)


新冠病毒(COVID-19) ; 融合式體育教學 ; 全方位課程設計 ; COVID-19 ; Distance Teaching ; Adapted Physical Education ; Universal Design for Learning




18期(2022 / 05 / 01)


80 - 97




世界各國受到疫情劇烈影響,在這期間有多達138個國家關閉該國基礎教育學習階段的學校,與影響了全球約95%的學生。我國在2021年5月中也宣布停課並持續延長至暑假,教育部即喊出「停課不停學」口號,各級學校及各領域教師亦實行緊急遠距教學,而現今的科技結合體育教學已逐漸成為趨勢。據聯合國「國際身心障礙者權利公約」24條訂定身心障礙者有受教育的權利,因此本文將探討適應體育於疫情期間課程模式之轉化,及提出相關課程實行模式,透過分析特殊生特質,以全方位課程設計(Universal Design for Learning, UDL)作為考量教學方式、師生互動、教學內容的方法,提出適應體育遠距教學實踐與轉化之教學策略,提供現場教師參考。


At present, countries around the world are severely affected by the epidemic. Duringthis period, as many as 138 countries have closed schools in the basic education learning stage of the country, which affected approximately 95% of students in the world. Our country also announced the suspension of classes in mid-May 2021 and continued to extend it to the summer vacation. The Ministry of Education shouted the slogan "Suspension of classes without suspension". Schools at all levels and teachers in various fields also implemented emergency remote teaching. Nowadays, technology and physical education have been combined. Gradually become a trend. According to Article 24 of the United Nations "International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", it is stipulated that persons with disabilities have the right to education. Therefore, this article will discuss the transformation of curriculum models that adapt to sports during the epidemic, and propose relevant curriculum implementation models. Through analysis of special student characteristics, Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a method to consider teaching methods, teacher-student interaction, and teaching content, it proposes teaching strategies that adapt to the practice and transformation of sports distance teaching, and provides on-site teachers' reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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