


What is News?




蘇鑰機(Clement York-Kee So)


新聞定義 ; 新聞要素 ; 新聞偏差理論 ; 新聞價值 ; 目的抽樣 ; definition of news ; element of news ; theory of news deviance ; newsworthiness ; purposive sampling




1卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


1 - 24






This article reviews and discusses the basic nature and characteristics of news. First it describes people's different views on news, including immediacy, importance, and interest. Then it discusses the definition of news, conditions of becoming news as well as the essential elements of news, which include the deviance theory of news. Newsworthiness is another related topic involving the following four aspects: nature of news, event factors, personal factors, and philosophical foundation. From some classical news literature, we understand that news is a kind of social construction. Its format and content is determined by certain ideologies and social factors. Finally, this article proposes the idea of ”purposive sampling” to explain the operation and characteristics of news.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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