


A Voice for Minorities and Anti-Stigma: Alternative "Media" and Cultural Action in Taiwan




管中祥(Chung-Shiang Kuang)


另類媒體 ; 文化行動 ; 傳播權 ; alternative media ; cultural action ; communication right




1卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


105 - 135






Media criticism and giving voice to minorities are two concerted approaches to media reform; while the former aims at ideological control of the majority, the latter emphasizes the struggle for the right of expression, and their common goal is to seek for the diverse and automatic aspects of media and society. Thus, media diversity and social justice, should not neglect how to help minorities to gain voice for themselves and return to the public sphere. Alternative media and cultural action do not merely concern patterns and channels of expressing, nor just how minority groups present themselves. On the contrary, they present different life experiences and circumstances and pursue more equal social status. And thus, research and practices involved in alternative media and cultural action should not be confined to the ”media” realm and its patterns of action. They should be further placed in the context of social rights and cultural, exploring how structural power limits their presentation and how fight against stigma and seek self-empowerment through different kinds of media and cultural action. In that way, related research may be improved in depth and vision.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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