


What is Media? Media Studies Reconsidered




翁秀琪(Shieu-Chi Weng)


典範 ; 媒介生態學 ; 中介 ; 再中介 ; 延伸的心靈 ; paradigm ; media ecology ; mediation ; remediation ; extended mind




1卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


55 - 74




傳播新科技正以十倍百倍的速度演化中,攸關新媒體的重大議題正不斷地浮現(emergent),任何一個新的理論概念被推出,很快就會失效,或重新被定義、調整。但是,這絕對不表示我們就得不斷丟掉前面的理論概念,而是或許應該以一種「概念系譜學」的方式,深究各類與media相關的概念在何時、為何會轉變,或許才能掌握「什麼是蜜迪亞?」這個大哉問。 「什麼是『蜜迪亞』?」是一個根本而困難的問題。本文從典範、媒介生態學、中介,再中介,直接性,和超直接性,以及延伸的心靈等理論概念切入,試圖為「什麼是蜜迪亞?」這個提問打造初步的問題意識。


New communication technologies innovate rapidly, and issues relevant to new media emerge correspondently. Any ”new” theoretical concepts which try to tackle these issues will be swiftly substituted, but this does not mean that we should discard those obsolete concepts like throwing away our old shoes, but rather take a geneological approach, and try to find out when certain concepts become obsolete and why. ”What is media?” is a fundamental but difficult problem. This article tries to tackle this problem by building up a scaffold with theoretical concepts such as paradigm, media ecology, mediation, remediation, immediacy, hypermediacy, and extended mind. And this proposal should only be considered as an initial attempt.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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