


The Identification Strategies in Ridiculous Religious Broadcasting Programs: A Rhetorical Perspective




蔡鴻濱(Hong-Pin Tsai)


認同 ; 終點視界 ; 重生的語藝 ; 群集批評 ; 英雄歷險 ; identification ; terministic screen ; the rhetoric of rebirth ; cluster criticism ; a hero's journey




1卷2期(2011 / 07 / 01)


211 - 243




本研究在於探討荒誕宗教廣播節目中言者的語藝策略,以及聽者認同的形成,對此研究者利用Burke的群集批評(cluster criticism)尋找語藝文本中的關鍵詞(key terms)群集後,並透過認同(identification)、實質共享(consubstantiality)、疏離(division/dissociation)、命名(naming)、重生的語藝(the rhetoric of rebirth)、終點視界(terministic screen)等語藝觀點,以及Campbell的「英雄歷險模式」析論、探討之。經過群集分析,得出此宗教節目中,強度與頻率較高的六個關鍵詞群集為:(一)聞聲救苦、無限靈驗的大王母娘娘;(二)老弱殘疾者藥到病除;(三)鬼魅魍魎為不幸的淵藪;(四)結緣商品加持護身;(五)自助者天助;(六)主持人乘願而來。研究者反思言者複誦的關鍵字群集發現,其內涵是Campbell英雄歷險之神話敘事結構的隱喻(metaphor),是Burke實質共享(即認同)概念的實踐,更是言者的語藝策略,也是與聽者共享的價值。而言者的鬼神二元宗教觀,離苦得樂的追求,除了契合華人生活的宗教背景外,言者的神話語藝,更作為聽者重生的語藝,更讓聽者對言者凝聚力與認同感之產生,成為可能。


The study explores the identification rhetorical strategies and the formation of listener identification in ridiculous religious broadcasting programs. The author utilizes the cluster criticism of Kenneth Burke to find clusters of key words in religious broadcasting programs, and takes Joseph Campbell's model of a hero's journey to explain the implications of these clusters. After reading and categorizing the artifacts, six clusters emerged. By analyzing these clusters, the author found them to be a metaphor for the structure of heroic adventures, with the speaker representing the hero or God. In fact, by using this trick, the rhetor transforms listeners into followers.Other important concepts of Burke's thoughts, including consubstantiality, division, dissociation, naming, terministic screen, and the rhetoric of rebirth, are used to rethink the rhetorical/persuasive/identical meanings of artifacts. By doing so, the author proves that the Eastern religious culture bridges the identification between the rhetor and the listeners, and becomes the driving power in forming a community or identification among the listeners of religious broadcasting programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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