


Rethinking the Communication Rights of International Migrant Workers/Immigrants: A Local Perspective




陳春富(Chun-Fu Chen)


文化公民權 ; 多元文化主義 ; 移工 ; 移民 ; 媒體近用 ; 傳播權 ; cultural citizenship ; multiculturalism ; migrant worker ; immigrant ; media access ; communication rights




2卷1期(2012 / 01 / 01)


55 - 84






International migration has become increasingly prominent and diverse under the backdrop of globalization. This paper takes Southeast Asian migrant workers and new immigrants in Taiwan as the subject of inquiry. Through the observation on their work condition, media representation, and media access in Taiwan, combined with the dialectical analysis on the contemporary meanings of human rights, communication rights, right to access media, and cultural citizenship, the study aims at scrutinizing how international migrant workers/immigrants are imagined and manifested in Taiwan's communication policies. Furthermore, the study also seeks important references with the basic principles and practices from migration-related communication policies in other countries. In so doing, the study is able to closely examine the current conducts of Taiwan's communication policies with regard to multiculturalism and communication rights in an era of global migration, and put forward some suggestions for future policymaking.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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