


The Change Management in Newspapers Managed with the "Employee Flexibility" System: A Case Study of United Daily News




張天雄(Tien-Hsiung Chang)


市場新聞學 ; 多重技術 ; 雇員彈性 ; 變革管理 ; market-driven journalism ; multi-skilling ; flexibility of employee ; change management




3卷1期(2013 / 01 / 25)


141 - 166






Taiwanese photojournalists must confront the impact of the internet and ”The Next Media” launched in Taiwan in 2001. They use a large number of spot news pictures to attract readers. Their paparazzi spy on Taiwanese celebrities and create celebrity gossip. At the same time, the photojournalists studied focus on Profit. The ten senior photojournalists with over 20 years experience working at ”The United Daily News” Group, and received the best salary and welfare in Taiwan. Results of this research will become a reference for Taiwanese newspapers and photojournalists as well as the journalism industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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