


Fluid Space, Liquid Privacy: Rethinking 'Privacy' on Social Network Sites




江淑琳(Shu-Lin Chiang)


隱私 ; 隱私矛盾 ; 隱私管理政策 ; 控制矛盾 ; 社交媒體 ; privacy ; privacy paradox ; privacy management policy ; control paradox ; social network sites (SNSs)




4卷1期(2014 / 01 / 01)


85 - 104




本文從社交媒體的角度討論當前隱私研究的面向,以及從使用者角度重新思考隱私的意涵。本文先指出社交媒體是流動的空間,在此空間所揭露的隱私意涵會隨使用者與情境而改變,過去研究未體認到此點,而出現隱私矛盾(privacy paradox)的現象。本文認為,從使用者的角度出發來看隱私,使用者所採取的隱私管理政策是目前研究的重點,然而從此角度出發也發現使用者存在控制的矛盾(control paradox),誰該為隱私被入侵負責,文獻上也提供各種討論。接著,本文檢視目前臺灣已出版的臉書與隱私研究,並討論目前國內外既存文獻的方法問題。最後,本文繼續思考社交媒體時代的隱私研究方向,並提出網路環境脈絡中隱私權力形式不同於傳統社會定義下的隱私權異同之處。


This paper reconsiders 'privacy' and relevant issues for conducting privacy research about social network sites (SNSs). It indicates that for users, social network sites function as a fluid space, where privacy is necessarily context-varying, therefore inevitably different in implications. This tends to be ignored by privacy researchers, however, such that there exists a 'privacy paradox' in the bulk of privacy research. Addressing this paradox issue with a user-centered perspective, the author focuses on users' privacy management policies, and finds a ”control paradox” among privacy-conscious users regarding who is to blame for privacy violation. The paper then gives a literature review of Facebook privacy research in Taiwan, with methodologies discussed comparatively among relevant studies, local and abroad. It concludes that privacy investigation today is far more challenging as the concept of privacy tends to be liquid in a network society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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