iPod has come into being for more than a decade since Apple Inc. introduced it in 2001. As one of important mobile music devices following car stereo and Walkman, it has brought about great changes and breakthroughs, in terms of mobility, aesthetics and functions. This essay critically explores the trajectory of its mutation and the accompanied impacts, by drawing on media ecologist Paul Levinson's three-stage metamorphosis of technological media from toy to mirror of reality and then to midwife of art. Accordingly, iPod has a quite transient toy period in its early stage, seen mainly as a new gadget. With the emergence of iPhone, attentions turned more to its real content, marking its mirror period. Then with the advent of iPad, all technological features from the two previous stages were integrated. What remained covert before started to become obvious. The author concludes that a new aesthetics gradually takes form, pioneered and represented by Apple, which seems gorgeous yet still empty.
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