


How Alternative Media Survive the Era of Mobile Social Media: A Case Study of Taiwan Lihpao Daily




張約翰(John Chang)


《台灣立報》 ; 社群媒體 ; 世新大學 ; 另類媒體 ; Taiwan Lihpao Daily ; mobile social media ; Shih Hsin University ; alternative media




5卷1期(2015 / 01 / 01)


129 - 155






Taiwan Lihpao Daily has been functioning as an alternative medium ever since 1988 when it was launched by She-wo Cheng, the founder of Shih Hsin University. Doggedly embracing the journalistic ideals for social reform, it also serves to showcase the university long famous for its emphases on media and communication. Used to focus on print publishing, however, Taiwan Lihpao Daily now faces multiple challenges both inside and outside. Internal constraints are strongly felt, as the sea change caused by ever-innovating communication technologies makes it necessary to reallocate resources for news gatherings and editing. Equally troubling is the fact that its university patron currently undergoes the ordeals of high education policy uncertainty and low birth-rate impacts. This essay examines how this long print-based alternative medium would fight for its own survival in the era of mobile device, smartphone, and social media. Believing that crisis is opportunity, the author asserts that the mobile era brings not just the threats, but also solutions to them.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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