


The Mediatization and Remediation of Cinema- Released Documentaries: A Case Study of [Beyond Beauty-Taiwan from Above]




曹琬凌(Wan-Lin Tsao)


再媒介化 ; 使用者經驗 ; 院線紀錄片 ; 媒介化 ; 媒介邏輯 ; remediation ; user experience ; cinema-released documentaries ; mediatization ; media logic




5卷2期(2015 / 07 / 01)


121 - 153






Documentaries tend to be considered as alternative, without cinema release, as they have played the pivotal role in the democratization process of Taiwan. Circumstances seem to change, as quite a few domestic documentaries did enjoy greater viewership via mainstream cinema release, just like popular movies. This paper explores this new development in domestic documentaries with a case study of [Beyond Beauty-Taiwan from Above], the commercially successful documentary. Drawing on mediatization theory, the author focuses on the remediation of documentaries and examines the related media impacts and effects on politics, economics and social life. The paper concludes that a hybrid use of old and new media technologies inevitably creates brand new user experiences in the production of documentaries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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