


The Agenda Setting and Priming Effects of the SMND Facebook Content Strategies




傅文成(Wen-Cheng Fu)


社群媒體 ; 訊息策略 ; 國防事務 ; 預示效果 ; 議題設定 ; social media ; content strategies ; national defense affairs ; priming effects ; agenda setting effects




6卷1期(2016 / 01 / 01)


169 - 197




臉書(Facebook)是國防部門廣泛運用的新媒體平臺,是軍隊執行政策溝通、爭取民意支持的重要管道,本實驗採3 × 2 組間設計,檢視臺灣國防部發言人的臉書發文策略對閱聽人之議題設定及預示效果之影響。本研究亦探討媒體使用依賴程度與議題設定效果的關聯性,結果發現,使用社群媒體時間越多的閱聽人,受臉書的議題設定效果影響越顯著。


Widely used by national defense sectors, Facebook is a significant new media platform for communicating policies with publics and gaining supports from them. To better understand media agenda setting and priming effects derived from the Facebook’s fan page of spokesman of Ministry of National Defense (SMND), a 3 × 2 between-subjects experiment design was conducted. This study also investigated the relationship between audience’s habits of media use and agenda setting effects. The results showed that the heavier social media dependency that the audience exerts, the more salient agenda setting effect exhibits on exposure of SMND’s Facebook fan page. Implications are also subsequently discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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