


Different Speeds and Relay Networks: Telegraphy and Society in Early Colonial Taiwan




蕭旭智(Hsu-Chih Hsiao)


差異速度 ; 接力網絡 ; 電報 ; 社會 ; 媒介 ; different speeds ; relay networks ; telegraphy ; society ; media




6卷2期(2016 / 07 / 01)


87 - 116






In colonial Taiwan, the establishment of the postal system, railways, telegraphy, telephone system, newspapers, wireless radio, as well as other mass media built up an information landscape of colonial modernity. Communication technologies in the 19th century were based on electromagnet, and not only could send/receive messages or reach the furthest edges of empire, but could also attract and conflate different social components. These communication technologies thus facilitated the transmission and transport necessary to the working of the postal system, the real-time synchronization of Japanese and Taiwanese news, and the mobilization of information in markets for everything from labor to grain. In terms of time-space convergence, the information flows occurred in an environment of geographical segregation. However, different media needed different relay networks for information transport, even multi-linguistic translation activities. This article will present stories about the uneven transportation speed of messages, technology-inspired desire for social mobilization and ambiguous bilingual translation in that era.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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