


Telling Stories with Different Methods: Exploring the Use of Computational Analysis Tools on Framing Research




盧安邦(Lu, An-Pang);鄭宇君(Cheng, Yu-Chung)


社群運算 ; 詞頻分析 ; 詞語共現 ; 情緒分析 ; 框架 ; 議題設定 ; social computing ; word-frequency analysis ; co-occurrence analysis ; sentiment analysis ; framing ; agenda setting




7卷2期(2017 / 07 / 01)


145 - 178






As the slogan "let the data speak for itself" gains currency, it becomes important to reconsider the role of the researcher. This study tries to explore the intertwined relationships among data, tools and researchers. In this study, we review the literature on agenda-setting research and framing research, with a particular focus on research methods and analysis tools. To investigate the use of different analysis tools to study media/public issues, this article introduces three analysis tools, word-frequency analysis, co-occurrence analysis, and sentiment analysis, in addition to the qualitative frame analysis method. We find that different analysis tools tell different stories and researcher choices are always important across different research periods. We think that if researchers consider the results obtained using different tools, they will be able to devise a more comprehensive research structure. Therefore, in this article we suggest that researchers apply multiple tools to their data during the pilot study phase.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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