


Cross-Referencing Friedrich Kittler and Niklas Luhmann: An Exchange from the Viewpoint of Social Theory




蔡博方(Tsai, Po-Fang)


弗里德里希.基德勒 ; 尼可拉斯.魯曼 ; 媒介理論╱社會理論 ; 技術媒介 ; 成功媒介 ; Friedrich Kittler ; Niklas Luhmann ; media theory/social theory ; technical media ; success media




7卷2期(2017 / 07 / 01)


93 - 122




本文從社會理論來探討弗里德里希.基德勒(Friedrich Kittler)的媒介理論,並以尼可拉斯.魯曼(Niklas Luhmann)為參考。第二部分以「一般化象徵交換媒介」問題切入,在三種不同理論立場對文化和大眾傳播的定位中,初步確立魯曼的社會系統理論為出發點,以引介基德勒的媒介理論。第三部分介紹基德勒「傳統媒介╱技術媒介」的區分、魯曼「傳散媒介╱成功媒介」的區分,在討論兩者的媒介理論的同時,提出一種對於基德勒的新詮釋。除了被視為傅科(Michel Foucault)或麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan)的延續者,基德勒對於資訊流通的「功能性」的重視,使他關聯於魯曼的社會理論。結論部分比較基德勒的「技術媒介」與魯曼的「成功媒介」,並在媒介理論與社會理論的交錯之上,提出三個理論反思。


In this paper, I attempt to introduce Friedrich Kittler's media theory from a social theory perspective, relying especially on the ideas of Niklas Luhmann. In the second part, I set up "generalized symbolic exchange media" as the problematics to present three different positions in contemporary social theory, comparing their distinct answers to questions concerning the theoretical places of culture and mass media. Based on comparison of these three different social theory perspectives, I argue that Niklas Luhmann's social system theory can be a crucial link to connect social theorists with the media theorist Kittler. In the third part, I separately introduce Kittler's distinction of "traditional media/technical media" and Luhmann's distinction of "dissemination media/success media," and then compare and contrast their media theories to establish a new interpretation of Kittler: as not a follower of Michel Foucault or Marshall McLuhan, but rather as establishing a new path by emphasizing functionality in information circulation. This interpretation links Kittler with Luhmann. In the conclusion, I provide three theoretical reflections to encourage future interdisciplinary enrichment between media theory and social theory, by cross-referencing Kittler's "technical media" and Luhmann's "success media."

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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