


Investigating Public Shares on Facebook: A Case Study Involving Posts on the Fan Page "Lazy.News" during the 318 Students' Movement




劉慧雯(Liu, Hui-Wen)


使用者生產內容 ; 臉書 ; 公開分享 ; 資訊視覺化 ; user-generated content ; Facebook ; publicly share ; information visualization




8卷1期(2018 / 01 / 01)


183 - 217






The study of information flow on platforms characterized by user-generated information is more likely to adopt the ego-centrism model because of the emphasis on users' characters. However, communication activities on social media are related to factors such as platform design, user patterns, and communication culture. Communication activities cannot always be explained by user self-reporting. Accordingly, this study argues that a data-centered explanatory model could be an alternative explanation about how users interact with the unique design of social media platforms and lead to theoretical concepts that are differentiated from those of the mass media era. Through collecting and visualizing "publicly shared" information, this research finds that the information communication model on Facebook can be portrayed by two indicators: communication depth and width. After detouring from self-report and personal character study, we think that researchers should focus more on the cooperative characters of sharing activities on social media to develop the communication theory of social media.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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