
從媒體近用到ICT 近用:偏鄉志工老人的傳播實踐


From Media Access to ICT Access: Communicational Practices of Senior Volunteers in Remote Areas in Taiwan




羅彥傑(Lo, Yen-Chieh)


老人 ; 傳播權 ; 媒體近用 ; 年齡歧視 ; 社會資本 ; older people ; communication rights ; media access ; ageism ; social capital




8卷2期(2018 / 07 / 01)


281 - 315




媒體近用與ICT近用皆為值得重視的公民傳播權。高齡社會來臨,偏鄉老人的傳播權卻乏人問津。先前的媒體近用文獻罕見從偏鄉老人視角切入;ICT 近用即便研究老人,也多從數位落差來詮釋。本文以花蓮縣志工老人為對象,透過質性深度訪談與焦點團體訪談,分析其從媒體近用至ICT 近用的脈絡與機會。研究發現,偏鄉志工老人的兩種傳播近用分別受限於年齡歧視與家庭溝通不足,機會則繫於社會資本。本文建議若欲促進偏鄉老人的傳播近用,或應先構思如何強化偏鄉老人的社會資本。


The importance of access to the mass media and ICT cannot be overstated. However, the communication rights of older people living in remote areas have often been ignored, despite their importance in an aged society. Previous studies have rarely analyzed media access from the perspectives of seniors. The issue of ICT access has been interpreted at best from the perspective of the digital divide, despite the importance of the perspectives of older people. Using qualitative in-depth interviews and focus groups, this study investigates older volunteers in Hualien, analyzing the impediments and opportunities they face in relation to access. The author finds that participants highlighted the two aspects of ageism and incomplete family communication, and moreover that social capital is central in empowering older people and providing them access opportunities. The author suggests that if the government aims to facilitate access to communication technologies for older adults, this goal could be realized faster by eradicating ageism in media content and strengthening the social capital of seniors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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