


Challenging Air Pollution: An Explorative Study of Community Action Science and Localized Practices




杜文苓(Tu, Wen-Ling);施佳良(Shih, Chia-Liang)


公民科學 ; 空汙監測 ; 知識生產 ; 空汙治理 ; citizen science ; air monitoring ; knowledge generation ; air governance




9卷1期(2019 / 01 / 01)


1 - 32






In recent years, the air pollution issues have become one of the top concerns for the Taiwanese society. Unsatisfied with the deteriorating air qualities, the local citizen groups have asked the government to disclose the real-time air monitoring data. Some communities in the central and southern Taiwan have launched community action initiative, raising air quality flags in elementary schools, partnering with the experts to develop low-cost air monitoring devices. This paper explores how grass-root groups have participated in knowledge generation by collecting air pollution evidences, integrating their observations and experiences into the scientific practices of air monitoring. The nascent air pollution surveillance efforts explicate how the community groups have produced, interpreted, and applied air monitoring data to challenge the government's regulatory policies. Additionally, the paper discusses the potentials and limitations of the current community air monitoring programs in Taiwan and the required social infrastructure affording technoscience democracy and environmental justice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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