


The Politics and Socialization of "Machine Language": Media-Specific Analysis of 996.ICU Code Processes




方師師(Fang, Shi-Shi)


代碼過程 ; 社會性 ; 媒介特異性分析 ; 維度性 ; code processes ; sociality ; media specific analysis ; dimensionality




10卷2期(2020 / 07 / 01)


33 - 58






This paper attempts to analyze the code processes of the 996.ICU project on GitHub platform from the perspective of "media specificity." It is rare to find a typical case to observe fundamental machine language as a technical structure emerging to change the rules of the system. Besides analyzing the materiality of this machine language, including physical affordance, action strategy, and narrative experience, this article highlights the sociality of these processes, including the mutual construction of technology and society in values, social rules, and multiple physical presences. The materiality and dimensionality of code encourage us to reflect on the processes as some consultative composite space and thus promote understanding of the theoretical framework of media-specific analysis (MSA), the deep structure of digital media and its social significance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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