


Survival in a Fissure: Resistance Strategies Under Internet Governance of Social Media in Mainland China




王毓莉(Wang, Yu-Li)


抗拒策略 ; 言論自由 ; 社群媒體 ; 封號 ; 網絡治理 ; resistance strategy ; freedom of speech ; social media ; suspended ID ; Internet governance




10卷2期(2020 / 07 / 01)


85 - 114






Although social media has provided a space for Chinese netizens to express their opinions, Internet governance has not loosened. This study used the power and subjectivity analysis of Michel Foucault and the hidden transcript analysis of James C. Scott as a theoretical frame, and employed the "in-depth interview" and "document analysis" as research methods. The results indicated that the main reason for disappearance of texts or suspension of ID was commentary on sensitive issues during sensitive times. Texts deemed "sensitive" were typically hidden from viewers and substituted with a message from website administrators reading "Http 404 or Not Found." The definition of "sensitive keywords" is dynamic and lacks any standard. This study also found that netizens used different kinds of resistance strategies, including the "delayed release strategy," "reporting the facts," "metaphorical writings," "substituting sensitive words," "video," "changing digital code," "multi-platform," and "reincarnation" to access fissures affording opportunities for survival.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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