


The Patterns and Trends of Internet Uses of Mainland Chinese Students in Taiwan




單文婷(Shan, Wen-ting);朱灼文(Chu, Cho-wen)


網路使用 ; 網路審查 ; 來臺陸生 ; 兩岸關係 ; internet uses ; internet censorship ; mainland Chinese students in Taiwan ; cross-strait relations




11卷2期(2021 / 07 / 01)


185 - 219






Studying in Taiwan has given mainland Chinese students an opportunity to use the Internet for information access and communication without censorship. This study conducted three rounds of group interviews along with surveys in 2014, 2016, and 2018 respectively to investigate the changes of the Internet uses of these students before and after coming to Taiwan and their motivations of the changes. The findings indicated that, during their stay in Taiwan, the access of popular foreign and Taiwanese websites blocked in China had increased significantly, while the access of similar websites in mainland China had decreased significantly. The changes were consistent among the three rounds of data collection. The main reasons for these changes are the practical needs for social contact, entertainment, the convenience of everyday life, etc., which correspond with the uses and gratifications theory. Another reason for such changes is the curiosity over politically sensitive issues. However, most mainland Chinese students in group interviews expressed their negative attitudes towards the free communication environment in Taiwan. Possibly due to the deteriorating cross-strait relations in recent years, those students who come to study in Taiwan later have become more cautious in their interview responses, and they have expressed more negative attitudes towards their experiences of the Internet uses in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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