


An Instruction-oriented Analysis of Chinese Polysemous Verbs--A Case Study of kai




歐德芬(Te-Fen Ou)


多義詞 ; 義項 ; 高詞頻動詞 ; 多義項動詞 ; 教學語法 ; Polysemy ; Sense ; High-frequency verbs ; Polysemous verbs ; Pedagogical application




11期(2015 / 12 / 01)


45 - 66




漢語動詞存在許多多義詞。就教學的角度而言,漢語中兼具高詞頻與多義項的動詞實為華語教學的重點。由於漢語多義詞義項確認不易,而且不同詞類有不同的句法特徵,其多義詞義項區辨的方式或不相同。本文基於華語詞彙語義教學的目的,辨析高詞頻兼多義項動詞的獨立義項並提出教學建議,因而以原則性多義理論(Principled Polysemy)結合次義項理論(Sub-sense Units)為多義動詞義項分析平臺,亦即結合動詞語義和句法或搭配共現等特徵,來定義多義動詞的獨立義項,以期於教學現場得以應用。本研究從詞頻統計、辭典語義與華語教材等三個面向進行高詞頻兼高義項動詞的篩選,同時以符合篩選機制的動詞「開」,進行多義動詞獨立義項分析,最後應用教學語法理論設計階段性的教學步驟,提出多義詞不同義項的教學順序,供華語教材編寫及課堂教學參考。


Many Chinese verbs are polysemy. From the perspective of pedagogy, high-frequency and polysemous verbs should be the focus of Chinese instruction. However, the identification of the senses of Chinese polysemy is extremely complicated, since the methods of distinguishing the senses of each polysemy are not necessarily the same. This paper, for the purpose of teaching the meaning of Chinese vocabulary, intends to differentiate between the individual senses and pedagogical application of high-frequency and polysemous verbs with an analysis platform constructed by Principled Polysemy (Evans 2005) and Sub-sense Units (Croft and Cruse 2004). For the application of curricula, the study combines features, such as verb senses, syntax or collocations, to define the individual senses of polysemous verbs. Furthermore, this paper attempts to screen out high-frequency verbs and polysemous verbs with frequency statistics, dictionary meanings and Chinese teaching materials. In addition, the study analyzes the individual senses of polysemous verbs with the verb kai that satisfies the screening mechanism. Finally, the author applies the theories of pedagogical grammar of Chinese and proposes the orders and procedures to teach a variety of senses of polysemous verb kai for Chinese teaching materials and curriculum pedagogy.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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