


A preliminary investigation of the criteria for evaluating Chinese teaching materials: a second language acquisition perspective




李郁錦(Yu-Chin Li);陳振宇(Jenn-Yeu Chen)


華語教材 ; 二語習得 ; 華語教學 ; 教材評析 ; 外語教材設計 ; Chinese teaching materials ; Second language acquisition (SLA) ; Teaching Chinese as second language ; Analysis of teaching materials ; Materials development in foreign language teaching




13期(2016 / 12 / 01)


67 - 94




本文從二語習得理論的視角出發,根據教材編撰的相關理論,提出一套華語教材研析的指標,期能做為華語教學設計或研析的參考。有關二語習得的主要因素和要件,雖學界仍無定論,但因其無論在外語教學或教材設計都有著至關重要的影響力。因此本文搜羅國內外與二語習得及教材編撰相關的書籍及論文共117 本/篇做為擬定指標的基礎。本研究首先彙整國內、外二語習得及教材設計的觀點,做綜合性的討論。其次,從中萃取出一套教材評析模式,此模式分:「語言」、「認知」、「教學」與「學習者」等四個層面,有17 項指標、80 項細目的教材評析工具之原型。此評析工具,除了可檢視二語習得相關理論的應用之外,也可以做為教材設計的參考指標,有助於將二語理論實際應用於教學及教材設計上。


Primarily based on theoretical views of second language acquisition (SLA), this article aims to design a prototype of indicators for Chinese teaching materials analysis from a pedagogical perspective. To this end, first of all, we briefly discussed what SLA theories can contribute to the teaching of Chinese as a second language. Secondly, we compiled and discussed the most relevant SLA and Materials Development in Language Teaching bibliography in the last few decades. At each point, based on the discussed theories, we attempted to extract indicators for the purpose of analyzing Chinese teaching materials. Eventually, we designed a prototype tool with 4 different levels: (1) Language, (2) Cognition, (3) Teaching Approach, and (4) Students which include 17 indicators, a total of 80 items. It could be used as a reference for analyzing materials as well as for designing them.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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