


A Case Study on a CSL Course for Naturalized Immigrants in a Rural Community in Taiwan




林慕愔(Mu-Ying Lin)


新住民 ; 中老年 ; 華語讀寫教學 ; 臺灣華語 ; 個案研究 ; new residents ; middle-aged and elderly ; Mandarin literacy teaching ; Taiwan Mandarin ; case study




20期(2020 / 06 / 01)


33 - 56






This ethnographic study adopted a teacher-as-researcher method to observe the process of L2 Chinese literacy learning in middle-aged and elderly new residents in Taiwan. The themes are to discuss (1) learners' attitudes towards developing L2 Chinese literacy, (2) challenges for teaching and learning, and (3) feasible curricula for teaching. It was found that participants exhibited collective learning behaviors, and that community participation and the cultivation of civic literacy were important in the curriculum units. Furthermore, essential for the study was to take into account the special social attributes of these L2 learners, which reduced their willingness to participate continuously. Therefore, this study proposed a new type of courses for L2 Chinese literacy curricula, from a socio-cognitive perspective, that the instructor and learners worked together so that regional, social, and stylistic differences could be integrated. Emerging from such ideas was a group on LINE set for learners to exchange information based on L2 Chinese digital literacy. Through the literacy curricula, the semiotic system was reconstructed, making Taiwanese multicultural dynamic networks more active, fulfilling the purposes of intercultural integration. In conclusion, curriculum units constructed by the cooperation of learners and instructor substantially improved their literacy and accumulate their social and cultural capital.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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