


Acceptance of Tattoo Culture from Different Lifestyle Groups in Taiwan




邱淑萍(Shu-Ping Chiu);杜瑞澤(Jui-Che Tu);徐傳瑛(Chuan-Ying Hsu);朱維政(Wei-Cheng Chu)


刺青 ; 圖騰 ; 次文化 ; 生活型態 ; 藝術表現 ; Tattoo ; Totem ; Sub-culture ; Lifestyle ; Artistic Expression




2卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


435 - 449






According to historical records, tattoo is originated from a kind of punishment that leaves indelible markings on criminals. In Taiwan, tattoo converts from a status symbol of tribal society into a label of middle and lower-level social class. However, along with changes in the times and social values, tattoo has integrated with pop culture and gradually become a token that symbolizes teenagers' love and their control over bodies. Now, tattoo is a kind of non-mainstream sub-culture art. This study aims to investigate perceptions of tattoo culture under their different lifestyles. Results finding: 47.7% of testees agree that tattoo is a kind of artistic expression. Research results show people with or without tattoo are different in acceptance of tattoo culture is significantly. Although most of testees agree tattoo is a kind of artistic expression, but the negative impression of tattoo behavior is deeply ingrained. Tattoo advocates and enthusiasts should emphasize on how to convert people's negative impression of tattoo into positive attitude.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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