


Buddhist Environmental Ethics: A Pure Mind is the Basis of a Pure Land




高惠齡(Hei-Ling Kao);周煥銘(Huann-Ming Chou)


淨土 ; 心淨國土淨 ; 八識心王 ; 唯心淨土 ; Pure Land ; A Pure Mind Being the Basis of a Pure Land ; The Eight Mind-kings ; Mind-Only Pure Land




5卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


99 - 105






Since the mid-twentieth century, technological advancement has led to environmental abuse and degradation and resulted in aberrant changes in climate, air, water resources, as well as wind and rain patterns, to the extent that the quality of life and the safety of our living environment are seriously threatened. To buck this alarming trend and ensure our enduring existence on this planet, experts, scholars, and even religious groups are speaking out about the critical importance of environmental conservation. To slow the progress of environmental deterioration, Buddhist practitioners in particular have proposed various measures and advocate that "a pure mind is the basis of a pure land." This Buddhist notion holds that humans must first purify their minds before they can better the world they live in. Focusing on the Buddhist view of "a pure mind being the basis of a pure land," this paper explores in depth the relationship between our conscious mind and the external phenomena and delves into the origin of both. Once the ultimate origin of both the conscious mind and the phenomena is affirmed, mankind would be able to purify the physical world they reside in from the very root of the problem. According to Buddhist scriptures, sentient beings and the physical world they inhabit both originate from the everlasting Mind known as the tathāgatagarbha (also called the eighth vijñāna) that each person inherently possesses; the conscious mind and the phenomena it apprehends are in fact both image manifestations of the tathāgatagarbha. Thus, whether we wish to purify our minds, consciousnesses, or planet Earth, we ought to begin with cleansing the functional seeds stored in the tathāgatagarbha, the details of which will be discussed in a separate paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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