


R&D Commitment during a Recession: The Effect of Board Governance on Growth Opportunity


曾真真(Jen-Jen Tseng);曾曉萍(Hsiao-Ping Tsen);鄭純姍(Chun-Hsien Cheng)


研發承諾 ; 代理衝突 ; 董事會 ; 公司治理 ; R&D investment ; Agent conflict ; Board of directors ; Corporate governance




3卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


61 - 80






Research and development (R&D) investment results in product and market innovation, thus allows firms to achieve better performance. However, R&D investments are risky due to their long-term horizon and high failure rates. In addition, a firm's R&D investment that is subject to potential manager-shareholder conflicts due to imperfect information and asymmetric beliefs about project payoffs. Managers often cut down the R&D commitment in order to achieve short-term profits during a recession. Moreover, the board is the most important internal corporate governance mechanism to remedy the agency conflicts. Hence, using 729 public offering firms as data set from Taiwanese electronics manufacturing industry in 2002 and 2009, this paper tests the the mediating role of board government between firm's R&D commitment and growth opportunity. The results of this paper show that increasing board size and board's ownership will positively moderate the relationship between a firm's R&D commitment and growth opportunity. Finally, this paper also found that CEO duality will negatively moderate the relationship between R&D commitment and firm's growth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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