
Does Uncertainty Always Drive Managers to Create Budgetary Slack? An Investigation into the Moderating Effect of Tolerance for Ambiguity




邱炳乾(Bing-Chyan Chiou)


環境不確定 ; 工作不確定 ; 模糊容忍度 ; 預算寬列 ; Environmental uncertainty ; Task uncertainty ; Tolerance for ambiguity ; Budgetary slack




4卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


83 - 104






Although there is consensus that uncertainty is a crucial factor behind the provision of budgetary slack, little research has investigated how managerial characteristics influence the uncertainty-budgetary slack relation. This study examines the direct relationship between uncertainty and budgetary slack as well as the contingent effect of managers' tolerance for ambiguity. Based on a survey of 316 managers working in publicly owned companies in Taiwan and using LISREL analysis, we find that environmental and task uncertainty both positively influence budgetary slack. Further, we show that the uncertainty-budgetary slack relation is moderated by tolerance for ambiguity. In other words, as task and environmental uncertainty increase, managers who have higher tolerance for ambiguity report less budgetary slack compared with individuals who have lower tolerance for ambiguity. This finding reveals that when eliminating uncertainty is difficult or unattainable, organization can recruits employee with high tolerance for ambiguity (TFA) to work under high uncertainty without creating excess budgetary slack.

主题分类 社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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