


The Cultural Language of Chinese New Era and the Personalized Writing of Xu Xiao-Bin




陳亭勻(Ting-Yun Chen)


徐小斌 ; 《羽蛇》 ; 語境 ; 文學史 ; 個人化寫作 ; Xu Xiao-Bin ; Feathered Serpent ; social language context ; history of literature ; personal writing




2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


109 - 145






Confronted by the trend of collective social language context, Xu Xiao-Bin always insists on the self-oriented writings and takes the self as a standard of choice between private writing and broad writing. Perhaps because of this, the writer had not carried weight until 1990s (the writer gradually carried weight after 1990s). In this article, we will focus on this issue, and attempt to explore what problem she encountered and the attitude she took in the process which Xu Xiao-Bin was accepted by the history of literature. The preface first describes the achievements which the writer obtained from the text of a high degree of personal experience from the situation of draggy sales, regular sales and exported sales of ”Feathered Serpent”, discussing her self-oriented creation features on this account. Second, this article will describe the publication situation in the early years of the writer and the transition of her status on the history of literature according to the sequence of her works, and discuss additionally the association between the language context and literary works from the weight of the works and the social language context. Third, in this article, we will describe the impact on the style of Xu Xiao-Bin from the Chinese Cultural Craze of 1980s in the twentieth century in support of the analysis of actual text. Finally, discuss the writing characteristics and research value of Xu Xiao-Bin's works from her attitude of self-oriented writing. Thus, hoping to marshal the process which Xu Xiao-Bin was accepted by the history of literature and emphasize the importance of her personal writing, and to lay a foundation for the follow-up study.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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