Mainland China is becoming a big country, most recently, Taiwan and mainland China has recently approved the "economic cooperation framework arrangement (ECFA)." As the President Wang Yung-ching, god of management, wants to see the rapid progress of information technology, there will be business-to-customer (B2C) market. There are many domestic Internet shopping malls such things UDN, Eastern shopping network, Yahoo or FPG shopping are the case occurred. Although the ECFA has been signed, and mainland China, Alibaba has emerged, which is a popular trend in information technology worth exploring, so this research wants to take care of members in mainland China. We describe all the mall customer service lifecycle stressed the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can advertise products. New features such as "member-based customer base" for the FPG shopping network is an advantage in itself, this gets commitments to take care of their employees from President Wang; In addition, FPG shopping wants to win the victory in all Internet malls. We believe, FPG shopping network development in the country will develop its characteristics, but in two different modes of ECFA between society, even the concept of continuous and sustained happen to show the true capabilities and value. Of course, the performance of the ECFA can let other countries have noticed.
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