


Analysis of Critical Success Factors for the Development of the Solar Photovoltaic Industry in Taiwan




吳嘉興(Chia-Hsin Wu);邱曉瑩(Hsiao-Ying Chiu)


太陽光電產業 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; 層級分析法(AHP) ; 鑽石理論模型 ; Solar Photovoltaic Industry ; Critical Success Factors ; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ; Diamond model




3卷2期(2014 / 09 / 01)


78 - 95




現今,人類正處於化石燃料能源成本持續上漲之際,隨之而來的是世界各國對未來發生能源危機的隱憂,也因此,綠色再生能源的發展已成為全球關注且具急迫性的顯學。在各種綠色再生能源中,太陽能電力因不會對自然環境造成傷害,且使用高效率的太陽能電池更能降低發電成本;另外,對於偏遠離島地區及電力網路未及之處,太陽能發電更可提供所需的電力,因此,太陽能是目前被公認為最實用且最具效率的替代能源,太陽能市場具有長遠發展的潛力。台灣具有國際級化石原料廠、製造能力強的精密機械產業及完整之半導體、面板產業,對於發展太陽光電(Photovoltaic, PV)具備了先天的競爭優勢,更應充分把握發展契機及相關投資趨勢。本研究係以Porter鑽石理論模型為基礎,經由文獻分析法、專家訪談建構出AHP層級架構,再運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)整合國內專家學者對於台灣發展太陽光電之方向與意見,萃取出台灣太陽光電產業之關鍵成功因素,最後根據研究結果,研擬出台灣太陽光電產業之因應發展策略,並提出相關命題與具體建議,提供國內相關業者或政府經營決策之參考,藉以提升台灣太陽光電產業之競爭優勢。


Nowadays, the humanity is being in the fossil fuel energy cost to rise continually, following will be the various countries has the energy crisis concealed worry to the future, also therefore, the green renewable energy development, has became the global attention also an urgent famous doctrine. Because in each kind of green renewable energy, the solar energy electric power cannot cause the damage to the natural environment, also uses the high efficiency the solar cell to be able to reduce the electricity generation cost. Moreover, regarding the far away islands area and the power network not and the place, the solar energy electricity generation may provide the electric power which needs. Therefore, the solar energy is recognized at present as most practical and efficiency substitution energy, the solar energy market has the long-term development potential. Taiwan has the international level fossil raw material factory, the manufacturing capacity strong precision of machinery industry and the integrity semiconductor of kneading board industry. For development of the Photovoltaic (Photovoltaic, PV) provides the congenital competitive advantage, it should assurance the all opportunity of development and correlation investment tendency. This study is take the Porter diamond model as a foundation, by way of the literature analytic method, the expert interview constructs the AHP level construction, re-use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) to integrate domestic experts and scholars for Taiwan's development of solar photoelectric direction and opinions, extracted from the Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry the critical success factors. Finally, according to research result, draw up Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry responds of development strategy, and put forth related set question and concretely suggest conducting the reference of decision by providing domestic and related operator or government, by to promote the competitive advantage of Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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