


A Study of the Influence of Consumer Perceived Value on Purchase Intention-A Case of Hybrid Car




王業竣(Yeh-Chun Wang);郭芳智(Fang-Chih Kuo);張世其(Shih-Chi Chang)


產品屬性 ; 產品形象 ; 產品知識 ; 知覺價值 ; 購買意願 ; 油電混合車 ; Product Attribute ; Product Knowledge ; Product Image ; Perceived Value ; Consumer Purchase Intention ; Hybrid Car




3卷特刊(2014 / 10 / 01)


304 - 317






Due to the environmental awareness, people began to attach importance to energy efficiency and reduce carbon. This global trend affects us to purchase green product. For this reason, we focus on hybrid car in this study and propose a research framework including product attribute, product knowledge, product image, perceived value and consumer purchase intention. A total of 367 valid responses were collected in our research, and we adopted structural equation modeling to examine our hypotheses. Our results suggest that product attribute, product knowledge and product image had the most significant influence on perceived value and consumer purchase intention. However, product attribute did not directly impact on consumer purchase intention. Our findings have implications for companies on making marketing strategies.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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