


The Study of Adversity Quotient Can Effective Moderating Gender Roles and Job Stress




沈昭吟(釋知賢)(C. Y. Shen (Ven.Zhi-Hsien));詹昆霖(Kun-Lin Chan)


逆境商數 ; 性別角色 ; 工作壓力 ; Adversity Quotient ; Gender Roles ; Job Stress




4卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


334 - 348






The issue of gender equality has been increasingly concerned over the years. The physiological gender has less significance in workplaces and gender roles compared to physiological biological sex can be more specifically indicative of employee characteristics and traits and performance. This study attempts to discuss whether the differences in gender roles affect the work performances, such as whether the perception of job stress differs in gender roles, or whether different gender roles have difference in the adversity response capability. Moreover, it explores the correlation between gender roles and job stress, and uses the adversity quotient as the moderator to further discuss whether the job stress perceived by different gender roles may be influenced by the adversity quotient to produce a moderating effect. This study conducted a questionnaire survey, and adopted SPSS for analysis. A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed, and 611 were retrieved. The results showed that the differences in gender roles have influences on job stress, and the adversity quotient has a moderating effect between gender roles and job stress.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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