


Effects of Travel Blog's Social Presence on Social Capital and User Relational Performance- Mediating Role of Relational Information Process and Intervention Effect of Informational Exchange




李淑芳(Su-Fang Lee);晏啟華(Chee-Wha Yann)


社會臨場感 ; 社會資本 ; 關係資訊流程 ; 智慧資本 ; social presence ; social capital ; relationship information process ; intellectual capital




4卷2期(2015 / 09 / 01)


255 - 272






The dramatic popularity of social media, e.g., blog and Facebook has drawn attention on their roles and momentum to internet marketing. It is assumed that if customers can perceive communication-via-internet as real as face-to-face conversation, then a high level of social presence is generated; which helps to establish communication linkages with customers, then becomes a decent relational network. Meanwhile, the members of social media societies utilize relational networks to share and exchange information via relational information process, in which new intelligence capital merges and helps to raise users' relational performance. The theoretical models is constructed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), empirical results show that social presence indirectly affects users' relationship performance by way of information process. The results also reveal that social presence affects intellectual capital exchange and merge via social capital; it further affects the newly generated intellectual capital and users' relationship performance. It concludes that relationship information process and social capital are both important mediating factors in the paths of cause-and-effect. Finally, managerial issues are suggested for future studies on the issues of searching behaviors for travel information.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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